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Facial Treatment Consent Form

What to expect:

Your skin may experience temporary irritation, tightness, or redness. These are all normal reactions that typically resolve within 72 hours depending on skin sensitivity.
You may experience tingling and stinging in the treatment area. These sensations generally subside within a few hours.
Client experiences may vary. Some clients may experience a delayed onset of these symptoms.
You will likely see results immediately after treatment and your skin may feel smooth and hydrated for one to four weeks with appropriate home care to maintain treatment results.
The skin is more susceptible to sunburn/sun damage. Avoid excessive sun exposure and use a minimum of SPF 40 sunscreen.
I will avoid the use of aggressive exfoliation, waxing, and products containing glycolic acids or retinol that are not part of the recommended take-home regimen in the treated areas for a minimum 2 weeks pre-and post-treatment.
PUBLICITY MATERIALS I authorise the taking of clinical photographs and videos. I understand that photographs and videos may be taken of me for educational and marketing purposes. I hold the practitioner harmless for any liability resulting from this production. I waive my rights to any royalties, fees and to inspect the finished production as well as advertising materials in conjunction with these photographs.
RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE TREATMENT I understand that I have the right to discontinue treatment at any time & I understand payment will still have to be made in full.
PAYMENT I understand that this is an ‘elective’ procedure and that payment is my responsibility and is expected at the time of treatment.
The information provided has been explained to me and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I have read the above information.
Date / Time